Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships

(1) Types and their conditions : There are seven types in Japanese Government Scholarships.
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships

(2) Application Procedure

① Embassy Recommendation (Application through Japanese embassies)
Recruiting covers all scholarship categories. However, because recruiting targets will
differ by country and region, potential applicants should check closely with the Japanese
embassy in their own specific country or region.

The initial screening is comprised of a document inspection, a written test and an
interview. Subjects of the written test vary somewhat by country and region, but generally
consist of the following.

Application Procedure

The local Japanese embassies conduct their screening on the basis of these test results,
and then make their recommendations to MEXT. MEXT confers with the selection
committee, deliberates with the host schools, and then makes its final selections. While
candidates may express their preferences for specific shools of study, the final decision
will be made by MEXT.

For further details, candidates should contact the Japanese embassy in their own specific
country or region.

② Application through Japanese Universities

-1 University Recommendation (selection of new applicants before they
arrive in Japan)
Based on the university exchange agreement, Japanese universities conduct their
examinations of the international student candidates, with recommendations made
to MEXT as research students or Japanese studies students. MEXT confers with the selection committee, and then makes its selections. For further details, candidates should
contact their current school of enrollment.
-2 Domestic Selection (selection of privately financed students already in
Targeted under this category are privately financed students currently studying at
Japanese universities. Qualified are third-year undergraduates expected to advance to
fourth-year regular student status (sixth-year status in the case of medical, dental or
veterinary students or those majoring in 6-year system pharmaceutical sciences), fourthyear
students expected to advance to regular Master's program student status, or Master's
or Doctoral students expected to remain as regular students for one year or longer.
Applicants with excellent academic records are chosen to attend from the new school year
as undergraduate or research students.
For further details, candidates should contact their current school of enrollment.

Applicants must pass this first stage and then a second stage of screening by MEXT
(document screening) before a final decision is made.
The general flow of an application is as follows.
Application through Japanese Universities

For Young Leaders Program, the recruitment will be conducted through the embassies
of Japan in target countries upon the recommendation of recommending authorities. Initial
selection will be made through document screening, interviewing, essay writing, etc..
The second selection will be done by YLP Committee set in MEXT, and hence the final
decision on candidates.

(3) Recruiting, Arrival in Japan

The recruiting period will differ by country and region, although the following timing
normally applies.
Recruiting, Arrival in Japan

Japanese internship program registration information
Japanese internship program

A Guide to Japan Scholarships

 Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarships

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT)
of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at
state expense since 1954. Applications should be made through Japanese embassies or
consulate-generals abroad or Japanese universities.

Japanese universities

Undergraduate Students

Ⅱ Scholarships by JASSO

"Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students" has been provided
by JASSO. Applications should be made through Japanese universities.
Honors Scholarship by JASSO

JASSO offers Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in
Japan) for those accepted by Japanese universities under student exchange agreements
with their home universities.

Undergraduate student at a university abroad

Ⅲ Scholarships by local governments and local international associations

Local governments in Japan provide scholarships to people living in their district or to
students who attend schools in their district.

Local governments in Japan provide scholarships

Ⅳ Scholarships by private foundations

Private foundation scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations.
Reflecting the objective and character of the company or organization, scholarships are
likely to be granted to students attending schools in a given district, or limited to special
subjects related to the company, or to be provided to students from a certain country or
region with which the enterprise has exchanges.

Private foundation scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations

Ⅴ Scholarships available abroad

Although most of the scholarships are available after coming to Japan, several local
governments, international associations and private foundations accept applications from
scholarships are available after coming to Japan

For those of you who want to work in Japan, you can follow the selection of non imm apprenticeship through directly by the recipient company in japan / organization Accepting registration can be done online »

Japanese culture in the works

Japanese culture in the works
This article discusses the culture of Japanese society in the work, let us consider the following explanation:

Speed and accuracy (quality) into two things that should be owned by every organization whether it is non-profit and non-profit organizations, in order to survive and sustainable in the middle of the rotation of information and technology very quickly.

But actually, 2 it is not simply be realized simply. Each of the factors driving the organization must work in synergy and have the capacity to be able to support the realization of organizational movement is fast and accurate.

Whatever forms of existing organizations, whose move it is the main foundation of Man. If traced to the starting point, we can see two main factors forming qualified human, namely, knowledge (knowledge) and skills (skills) or often also termed the knowhow.

One of the important knowledge to be owned by each element of the organization (employees, directors, stakeholders) is about Forward Work Culture Organization and familiarize the work culture as a form of mastery (skill).

I mean advanced organization is an organization / company which is able to produce the goods / services of high quality at high speed as well.

For that, as a representative of the organization's work culture developed, it is not wrong if we take into consideration, or more precisely analyze about the work culture of Japanese society.

What exactly is the basic mindset and culture of the Japanese people so that they can produce high quality products and high speed anyway? I will present from a different angle, let's see ..

1. To record the "brain" and "muscle"

This point is one of the basic thinking is owned by the Japanese (organizations in Japan) and completely done with the maximum. Over time and the change of generations, people who have the knowledge and expertise will age and stop. If the "brain" (ed: knowledge) and "muscle" (ed: skills) they are not diligently recorded in the form of manuals, materials, photos, videos and other forms of the cessation of their record so early rupture of knowledge and knowledge of the organization. With so slowly merapuh foundation and impact on weakening the strength of the organization as a whole.

2. Manualisasi (knowledge transfer)

Not only are they posted a senior experience, but everything connected with them post the job will be a maximum of small things. For example, how to conduct meetings right, how to write the minutes of an effective and minimally important points that should be written. Especially for basic things.

3. Tettei shita Kyouiku (Training optimally)

Training does not always refer to knowledge transfer activities are given the subject of this training and the training. But the actual training activities undertaken by the organization in Japan actors are included junior (those who are new to or inexperienced) together senior to join a lot of work. Showed and explained to them in detail and then provide opportunities for youth to do the work yourself with under supervision until the end of this junior has skills and can work independently.

Seniors have the ability to teach gradually, able to explain in detail, teach special tricks in the works and is certainly teach manual they have made previously.

4. mindset ingrained "What`s the next step?" And "What should I do?"

It's a mindset that makes them work faster, they get rid of mutual blame and throwing responsibility. In essence, they understand that problems arise in the normal course of work, but the problem is not analyzed to find out who is at fault, but find a way out together. Each section clarify the responsibilities of each so that they are clear what to do, when it collided with the problem immediately communicated with the boss or related parties.

The mindset is equipped with the ability to ask good, and the workers who do the work must record their work in the form of data, and the other in detail and accurately.

5. On what grounds?

They will be ashamed of asking the opinion, said something, report something related work if there is no valid basis (reliable). Both the data and accurate materials and work experience people who are competent.

6. Planning great

Since the beginning they were trained to make careful plans before work. Not only a great job, even small jobs they are taught to plan in advance. They predicted the first possibilities that will be encountered obstacles so that they also prepare some path / way to finish the job.

7. Senior & Junior

Japan one of the country is thick with seniority. Which comply with the older youth. This system has become a whole system of Japanese society, which shall teach juniors and seniors entitled to be respected. Junior obliged to respect and follow and are entitled to be taught.

8. Communication skills

For those who had studied in Japan, or at least stay in Japan for a longer period of time will know that since their early education taught (from school and environment) how to communicate well, starting from how to speak based interlocutor, a good way of asking for help, how to deliver something that is not offensive to others, etc.

With this communication capability greatly minimize disputes when working with others. Which also have a positive effect the realization of good cooperation and working environment light to communicate.

9. Make clear (clarify)

Do not create a floating-paced job, do not allow workers to figure out yourself.

Clarify what should be done, who is responsible, to when to do, with whom to cooperate, how to groove to do it. Obscurity is the start throwing blame and responsibility.

Similarly 9 key points mindset and culture of Japanese society in the work on the organization / company.

Hopefully useful for those of you who are trying to improve the work culture of the country.

Greetings changes.

Written by,

Gagat Sukmono, B.Eng

(S1 engineering in Japan and worked in Japan since 2009)

For those of you who want to work in Japan, you can follow the selection of non imm apprenticeship through directly by the recipient company in japan / organization Accepting registration can be done online »

Ethic and attitude in the office of a Japanese company

Ethic and attitude in the office of a Japanese company
This article discusses the work ethic and attitude in the office of a Japanese company, let us consider the following:
For those who want to work in a Japanese company, both companies are located in Indonesia or in Japan, it is good to pay attention to the workings of a typical ethics. Work ethic and attitude in the Japanese corporate offices, among others:


HOURS OF WORK IN THE COMPANYWorking hours most companies in Japan are from 9 am to 5 pm. But recently the system "flexible time" more and more used. It is a system where employees have the freedom to some extent to set their own working time. Flexible time system is becoming popular as employees so can avoid the hours roundtrip most busy and can work in accordance with the pattern of their lives. On the other hand, it is true that a lot of people who feel uncomfortable to leave work earlier than peers or bosses, even though their work day is over. Therefore, do not forget to show the attitude of tolerance towards them. Even if you have to go home first, it is better to say 「お先に失礼します」 O-saki ni shitsureishimasu which means "excuse me".


MENTION THE NAME WHEN THE PHONEDifficult to use the phrase fitting tribute by telephone. The important thing is to clarify between you and the person on the other end or "inside and outside". When talking about the people in the office, use regular expressions like when you refer to yourself. For example, there is a phone for Suzuki, president of the company. In a corporate environment, you used to call Suzuki shachô, which means the President of Suzuki. But to an outsider, do not use an expression of respect or official position of the person in your company. So in this case you say: 「鈴木 は 外出 し て い ま す」 Suzuki wa gaishutsu shite imasu which means "Suzuki is not in place at this time".
Incidentally one of the most common names in Japan are Sato, Suzuki and Takahashi. However there are many more family names and some of them sound similar. Therefore, if you can not catch the name of someone in the first time, do not hesitate to ask politely that the caller back loop. In this case you should say: 「も う 一度 お 名 前 を お 願 い し ま す」 Mô ichido, o-Namae o onegaishimasu, which means "Please be repeated his name?".


PARTY COMPANYCompanies in Japan are often held a party for its employees. The most common include the party for new employees, a farewell party when there is turnover, and a year-end party as a form of gratitude for the work and support over the last year. Among co-workers also is common to have dinner together after work, while drinking alcohol or tea. If you do not drink alcohol, it does not hurt to refuse, but you should use polite words. Appropriate way to resist is to include reasons and say 「す み ま せ ん, お 酒 を 飲 め な い ん で す」 Sumimasen, o-sake wa nomenain desu, which means "I'm sorry, but I can not drink alcohol". These parties are a good opportunity to get to know everyone, and even find other unexpected side of your co-workers. So come if you are invited.


Basic elements of communication in a company known as HORENSO. HORENSO word formed by the first syllable of the three words, namely:
報告 Hokoku which means "reports", 連絡 renraku which means "contact" and 相 談 sodan which means "consultation". Actually, the term is also a form HORENSO satire because it sounds the same meaning denganhôrensô spinach, a type of vegetable. If you are lazy in doing HORENSO in a business context, then you might make the wrong decision or experienced business problems. So be sure to terusmelakukannya.
Hokoku - "report" - means the report on the progress of your work regularly to superiors and colleagues can immediately respond if there are problems.
Renraku - "contact" - means to contact the supervisor and co-workers related work plans and schedules for you. You should also always tell them if you want to go straight home after making an appointment outside or if you do not come to work.
Sodan - "consultation" - meaning for guidance and advice needed. If you are still inexperienced, do not be ashamed to ask anything. There is an old adage that says "Ask, will only make temporary embarrassment. But do not ask, would shame forever ". So do not hesitate to always ask.


HOW TO PRAISE THE MAN IN THE WORKPLACEThe spirit of our work will be increased if it gets praise. There are many words to praise someone. For example, 「さ す が」 sasuga means "Just like my expectations"; 「い い で す ね」 ii desu ne means "very good"; 「す ば ら し い」 subarashii means "Great!" And 「お 見 事」 o-migoto means "Incredible!". But be careful because compliments like these may not only have a positive impact, but can also lead to a worsening of relations. If you repeat the praise indiscriminately, they can be sounded like sarcasm rather than praise, or even hinted that you blame or belittle others. Please remember also the following two basic rules: When you praise someone, do it in front of others and when reprimanding, do when no one is around you.

6. WHAT IF trimmed?

WHAT IF trimmed?
Companies that employ foreign nationals have a training program to teach them manners and also business-related use of language. Still, the "ambiguity" that characterizes the Japanese language often led to unexpected problems. For example: One day a boss says, 「き れ い に し た ら?」 "Kirei ni Shitara?" To a subordinate whose desk cluttered. But the next day it was still neat table. The boss actually asked his men were to immediately clean up the table in order to look presentable when customers visiting their office. But this desire did not understand the subordinates. The literal meaning of 「き れ い に し た ら?」 "Kirei ni Shitara?" Is "I think it would be better if you trimmed table". But the men consider these words of his boss only as a suggestion, and he did not do anything. Boss was supposed to send his men to clear the table with clearly says, "Do not store anything on the table other than your computer!" The secret to work in Japan is to understand the true meaning behind the command is not clear.


In Japan, the idea that "harmony is the best thing" is still adhered to in the business world. Typical expression associated with that spirit is o-kage same de, which means "thank ... / thanks ...". The phrase was used in examples such as: "Thanks to you, we can get the contract". While it may in fact you are doing most of the work, but using the same expression o-kage de to express appreciation for the guidance and support of all people, you show a high appreciation for their cooperation.
On the other hand, if you start by saying Zannen nagara ... which means "Unfortunately ..." then it suggests that you are going to report a bad news. Tori Ossharu desu ga ... means "Just as you say, but ...". This expression is used when you give a different view and feels like "I understand fully what you want to say, but ...". If you can use those phrases with ease, you are including a Japanese worker!
IF You who want to work in Japan, you can follow the selection of apprenticeship to Japan directly by the recipient company in Japan, registration can be done online  »
Similarly, an article about the work ethic and attitude in the office of a Japanese company may be useful for those of you who want to work in a Japanese company

Ban fled into the country illegally entering Japan

Ban fled into the country illegally entering Japan
Regrettable that a small number of the trainees and technical interns who come to Japan to escape, and resigned from training or technical partnerships.

Such cases can be roughly divided into two types: The first case is because there is no intention to receive training in Japan, but only want to earn money.
The trainees / apprentices as this will quickly run away as soon as they enter Japan.

The second case is tempted by the offers as "no other work place where you can make more money" during training and technical internship.

Remember that when you are training, you are supported by many people, including those who are in organisasiyang send you out of the country of origin, as well as related persons in Japan.

Although it is not known by those who escape, if escape from the training / technical internship will bring trouble to the people who support you. Companies and associations where the trainees recipients who escaped will be given a stern warning by the relevant organizations, including the Bureau of Immigration.

In some cases, the company may not be able to accept the new trainees within the next three years.

Coworkers of the trainees or technical interns who escape will be examined closely in all aspects, to prevent more people who resigned. At worst, the Immigration Bureau may instruct the company to immediately return all trainees and apprentices to their home country - even though they are not related to participants who escaped.

Organizations that send the trainees who escaped had to work hard to find out where the people who fled, and in some cases participants who fled can affect their families in the State of origin. In one case, many representatives of the media who visited the families of the trainees or technical interns who fled to obtain news, and cause problems for other people in the area where the family lived.

The trainees or apprentices are techniques that escape would be "illegal alien population" or "illegal workers" and will be arrested by the police. Trainees or technical interns who fled (ILLEGAL) of its obligations will face imprisonment, with or without labor, up to 3 years, or a fine of up to 3,000,000 yen (27,300 US dollars), or both.

Additionally, the period of Japan's refusal to enter the short will be valid for one year and a maximum of up to 10 years.

Escape from liability caused many problems, and also will damage their careers who fled. If you are tempted too, consider your goals come to Japan and act with careful consideration.

Therefore, for those who will follow an apprenticeship program to Japan do not be tempted by the lure body salary system as the recipient organization in Japan is not about the system, go back to the salary offered sending institutions, in Japan there are big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, while there are also small towns and villages. Consider that you will travel to the area.

Please understand that the candidate training / technical interns who come to Japan together with you may be distributed to different companies, so that you and your friends may be separate. One vote Author Institution / Sending Organization (SO) determines the fate of apprentices in japan

Similarly Escape Prohibition information for apprentices (Become Illegal Workers), may be useful.

Japanese visa-free policy

Japanese visa-free policyHere's the latest regulations japan visa-free policy in 2015 for citizens E-passport holders are quoted from the website of the Japanese embassy www.id.emb-japan.go.jp

Free VISA for Foreign Nationals e-passport holders, with pre-departure registration, will be actively implemented starting December 1, 2014.

     With the realization of this policy is expected to boost tourism, which targets 20 million Japanese tourists to Japan, as Japan's growth strategy, and ultimately can play a major role in efforts to strengthen the Japan-Indonesia relations.

     Indonesian Citizen passport holders IC / e-passport (passport with chip logo on the front cover) according to the standard ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), to register the e-passport in the State Representative Office of Japan (the Japanese Embassy / Consulate General of Japan / Office Consulate of Japan) in Indonesia prior to departure.

     Foreign nationals who have registered for e-passports will be given proof of registration by the Japanese Embassy / Consulate General / Consulate with the following conditions:

  • Destinations :short stay (tourist, business, family visits, visits friends, or other short visits)

  • Length of stay:15 days

  • The validity period:3 years or until the deadline valid passport (if the passport validity period of less than 3 years. Following the period of validity of the shortest.)

  • charge:free

  • Registration Process:2 working days (results submitted the next day)......
    (1)The applicant or the applicant's representative made the e-passport and application form (form attached: PDF or DOC) to the Office of the Japanese Embassy / Consulate General / Consulate in Indonesia to be registered.
    (2)Embassy / Consulate-General / Consulate will accept the application for, the registration process, glue-free sticker VISA, and handed it to the applicant back.
    (3)Concerned can take a trip to Japan for a maximum duration of stay of 15 days, repeatedly until the expiry of the sticker expired, without the need to register again on each trip.
    (4)For applicants who are not granted free VISA petition, shall make application for VISA as usual.
    (1)Citizen passport holders in addition to the e-passport still need a VISA to enter Japan. Free VISA only valid for a maximum stay of 15 days, if planning to stay more than 15 days, or the purpose of working in Japan, shall apply for a VISA to follow the regulations.
    (2)If there is a replacement passport or passport name change, required to register back by following the applicable regulations.
    (3)Citizen e-passport holders who enter the State of Japan without prior VISA free registration, will be banned in Japan Airport. Therefore, the registration must be done before departure. In addition, there are times when the Immigration officer will ask the destination airport arrival, duration of stay, or other information required, including asking rally round-trip ticket or ticket to another country. From the results of the question and answer made possible by the Immigration officer concerned can not go to Japan.
    (4)For those citizens who have been deported, the ban period, never committing an offense, both in Japan and or violation of the law in other countries and have had a jail term of 1 year or more, can not go to Japan despite registering a pre departure.

    A few information about the Japanese visa-free policy could hopefully help you for who want to go to japan

    reff: www.id.emb-japan.go.jp

    Procedure Entry and Living in Japan

    Living in Japan
    Disclaimer: granting permission to enter or commonly called visa and permission to stay in Japan is a right and full authority Japanese government. If a person is denied a visa or residence permit, the Japanese government is not required to notify the reasons for the refusal to the person concerned. Embassy in Tokyo can not give a recommendation for someone in order to obtain permission to enter or permission to stay in Japan. The answers below are not the official stance of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, but the usual recommendation is given to answer the most frequently asked questions.

    I want to visit in Japan, what should I do?

    If someone from a country want to visit another country, then the question must obtain permission to enter or commonly called a visa to the country to be visited. The same goes for someone who wants to visit Japan. You are required to obtain an entry visa to Japan is engraved or affixed to your passport. Please contact the Consulate of Japan in Indonesia (Consulate in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar and Denpasar) to obtain an entry visa to Japan's information and please contact your local immigration office to obtain complete information about passport issuance RI.

    Once you obtain an entry visa to Japan, please check your visa category column. Customize categories with the aim of you go to Japan, for example, the category 'as a temporary visitor' is only intended for those who are visiting for a short visit tourist destinations or other unauthorized earn, the category 'as trainees' aimed at those who visit for the purpose of apprenticeship and others. You must not engage in activities outside the permitted categories, such as you engage in activities that generate the wage (working) while you hold a visa 'as a temporary visitor'. Violation of the ban will be subject to criminal sanctions and a ban for a minimum of 10 years by the Japanese government.

    I want to work in Japan, what should I do?

    In contrast to other countries - such as Malaysia, South Korea or the Gulf States - The Japanese government is very selective in accepting foreign workers. That legally, the informal sector is closed to foreign workers, however, foreign nationals working as a professional (engineer, manager) it is possible to enter and work in Japan.

    However, to anticipate national regulations, some channeling institutions in Japan opens opportunities for interns (kenshuusei) to conduct technical training in Japan and help industries semi-skilled labor shortages. Therefore, semi-skilled workers in Japan is not the person's status as a labor force, but existed as interns. To be remembered, that the chance of apprenticeship in Japan is only valid for three (3) years and a lifetime. For those of you who have had the opportunity apprenticeship in Japan, you are prohibited from an apprenticeship program again, and based on existing experience, for those who violate this prohibition shall be sanctioned and barred from entering Japan within a minimum period of 10 years by the Japanese government.
    For those of you who have professional skills (engineers, managers, and others), you can gain employment in Japan through the Japanese company hiring a professional job. The opportunity to work in Japan for the other professionals can also be obtained by studying at Japanese universities. As an illustration, many Indonesian professionals who are in companies in Japan were recruited from Japanese universities where they studied.
    For those of you who do not have professional skills, please contact your local labor department and ask for an internship opportunity in Japan. Institutions such as the IMM dealer apprenticeship working with the labor offices in several regions in Indonesia to recruit interns from Indonesia. In addition, many agencies trainee dealer operating in Indonesia.
    Information about the apprenticeship program to Japan are on the website of Directorate of Apprenticeship Manpower RI while sending information about Nurse and Caregiver program to Japan are on the site BNP2TKI

    I have visas to come to Japan and arrived in Japan, what should I do?

    If you are visiting Japan for any purpose, we advise you to always make contact and report themselves to the Indonesian Representative in Japan, Embassy in Tokyo and Consulate General in Osaka (for those who live in the prefecture-prefecture following: Fukui, Hyogo, Mie, Osaka, Kyoto , Nara, Shiga, Wakayama, Hiroshima, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori, Yamaguchi, Ehime, Kagawa, Kochi and Tokushima).
    For those of you who have permission to enter and stay less than 90 days, you are not required to obtain a registration of foreign nationals, but for those who have a residence permit for more than 90 days, in accordance with the provisions of the Government of Japan, you are required to register foreign nationals . Please contact the Office of the Immigration Bureau or the Office of Government on where you live to obtain complete information on the registration of foreign nationals.

    I have gained a short-stay visa to Japan, if I could extend the visa?

    Extension of permission to enter or change of residence permit for foreign nationals residing in Japan are the rights and authority of the Japanese government in this case Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of Justice of Japan. For the possibility of an extension or change of such permission, please contact the immigration bureau office where you live now. But briefly be stated that the Immigration Bureau of Japan will grant an extension or amendment of the permit based on the circumstances and the conditions that have to meet.

    I entered on a tourist visa, but I have lived in Japan overstayed my visa, what should I do?

    That legally, you have violated the Act Immigration Control and Refugee Japan. These violations result in criminal sanctions, deportation and a ban by the government of Japan. If you already overstayed a visa, it is recommended that you contact the Office of the Immigration Bureau at the moment where you live and ask for help solving.
    However, the Japanese government in this case Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of Justice of Japan will give your residence permit to have violated the time limit to stay if you are deemed to meet the requirements set by the government of Japan. One of the requirements is that you have a family (husband or wife or child or parent) who has a valid residence permit in Japan or Japanese national.

    I went to Japan with a student visa, can I work in Japan?

    In principle, you are only allowed to conduct activities in accordance with a permit granted. However, if you go in with a student visa, you are allowed to work part-time in Japan. The main requirements of your work permit is a permit to work part-time from the educational institution where you study. Please consult your desire to work part-time with the leadership of the institution where you study and with the local office of the Bureau of Immigration.
    The same thing also applies to those who have permission to stay in Japan in addition to residency 'as a temporary visitor'. However, to obtain a work permit, we recommend that you always consult with your local office of the Bureau of Immigration to prevent the violation of a residence permit.

    Similarly, information about the Entry and Stay Permit in Japan may be useful

    Procedures marriage Japanese and foreigners to marry in Japan

    Procedures marriage Japanese and foreigners to marry in Japan

    Marriage / Wedding at the Japanese

    Procedures marriage Japanese and foreigners to marry in Japan

    Translate official letters from Indonesian to Japanese and behind it to get married in Japan.
    Create and Organize a letter to get a "Certificate of Eligibility" to the husband / wife of the Japanese people and submit it to the Immigration office.
    Menbuat and arrange to replace the letter "Change of Status of Residence" for the husband / wife of the Japanese people and submit it to the Immigration office.
    Create and manage a letter to extend the "Extension of period of stay" for the husband / wife of the Japanese people and submit it to the Immigration office.
    Organize and create your letter to get the "Status of Permanent Residence" for a permanent resident in Japan and submit it to the Immigration office.
    Taking care of the "Special permissions of residence" to get a special certificate for an Indonesian who married at the Japanese who His visa runs out.
      When the Japanese people and foreigners get married in Japan

    How to report to your local city office
    If the Japanese people and foreigners get married in Japan, marriage certificate submitted to the office of the town where he lives or hometown of the Japanese people. But based on citizenship, submitted forms have different provisions, it can be asked on the registration of members of the population (jyuuminka). After the report, the complainant will receive a certificate of marriage, after which the complainant to file it at the embassy or consulate of the country of the respective partner. Only after the existence of their marriage was recognized in both countries. For the purpose of the visa changes, request publications marriage certificate (konginjyurishoumeisho).

    Forms needed:

    Form "konintodokedesho" (obtained at the office of the city)
    Kosekitouhon (family card). (very necessary if the place of birth and residence are different now)
    Konginyoukengubishoumeisho: certificate indicating that the person has never been married (obtained at the embassy or consulate), is also required translation in Japanese.
    ※ For Indonesia, the embassy will make two versions of English and Japanese
    Stamp or signature of the concerned
    Tourokugenpyoukisaijikoushoumeisho (certificate of ownership identity cards)
    How to report to the state government of married couples in Japan

    Check the required forms at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned. If the marriage has been recognized by the state's marriage partner, the marriage certificate that has been issued by the state government partner, within 3 months should be reported to the office of city of residence, accompanied by a Japanese translation, only then the marriage will be recognized in Japan. For some countries, after "kongintodoke" in Japan was reported,
    there is also the countries that asked for "kongintodokede", to be sure prior to the institution of government.

    2. If a fellow foreigner married in Japan

    After reporting a marriage certificate to the office of the town where the couple lived, it is also required to report on each of the embassies or consulates of each country.

    Forms needed:

    konintodokedesho (marriage certificate)
    koninyoukengubishoumeisho (single letter (Japanese translation)
    Tourokugenpyoukisaijikoushoumeisho (certificate of ownership identity cards)

    3. If the Japanese people and foreigners married abroad (wedding held by local state law)

    Check the first letters required at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned and then make the trip.

    In general, the papers necessary for Japanese people is as written below:

    Certificate of singletons, (3 month validity period is calculated from the time the letter was issued. Created in a foreign language)
    letter "kosekitouhon"
    The others: tax returns, employment letters, medical certificates, etc., there are times when needed.


    Once Married
    A marriage certificate issued by the country concerned in Japanese translation), for the Japanese people should be reported to the Japanese embassy in the country concerned within three months or at the office of the town where he lives or can also be sent by post.

    If the Japanese people get married abroad and not a partner country concerned

    Based on the host country's laws and the marriage can be performed, the required papers may be examined at the consulate of the country. After marriage, the marriage should be reported to the office of the Japanese government of the country concerned.
    Divorce in Japan

    Divorce procedure in Japan between the Indonesian and Japanese.

    Create and manage a letter to change their "Change of Status of Residence" a divorce and filed it to the Immigration office.
    Creating a contract to explain the condition of divorce in Indonesian and Japanese.

    Similarly, article about Marriage & Divorce Procedures at the Japanese, may be useful

    How to Work Part Time in Japan

    How to Work Part Time in Japan
    According to research conducted by JASSO , approximately 76 % of students with the status of residence as a " College Student " part-time work . This type of work is the work diindustri most food . In addition, many who work in in sales, teaching language , research assistant , receptionist or hall . Hourly wages sometimes different depending on the area and type of work . As a reference , working in the food industry , wages 800 Yen- 1,200 Yen. So when working within the limits of the prescribed period of 28 hours , then the income earned into 22,400- 33,600 yen / week .

    Students who wish to work part-time must obtain permission from the local immigration bureau for activities outside the resident status is granted . The requirements for activities outside the status that has been given is as follows .

    1 Do not interfere with the primary task as a student
    2 Aiming seek additional funds for tuition on the like for studying in Japan
    3 not to work are included in the regulation and supervision of the entertainment business ethics violate public order .
    4 Number of hours worked is no more than 28 hours / week ( maks.8 hours / day on a long holiday )
    5 Do for still a student at the Institute of Education

    Effective as of July 9, 2012 , when the exchange Resident Card when landing at the airport , Working Permit registration can also be done ( currently only at Narita Airport , Haneda , Chubu and Kansai ) .
    Information can be obtained part-time employment welfare section University , or the National Public Employment Agency as " Hello Work " etc.

    ※ When the work without permission or work beyond the deadline or the type of work that have been defined then it is likely be deported to the country of origin .
    Type of Work for Part Time Work
    (based on multiple answers )
    List Work Part Time in Japan
    message from
    seniors :
    Working part-time is working in Japanese companies . So that could be a valuable lesson to learn manners and customs to work in Japanese companies . But there are also cases of foreign students are overworked part-time so could not concentrate on learning and school attendance rate is low . As a result, students are forced to return to their home country because he could not extend his residence permit . It must be remembered that the purpose of our being in Japan is to learn not to work

    part time work

    Similarly, Article about Info Part Time Work in Japan may be useful

    Tips on Finding Jobs in Japan

    Tips on Finding Jobs in Japan
    This time I will discuss how we can get a job in Japan through Articles Tips on Finding Jobs to Japan

     If you are interested in working to Japan it helps prepare Japanese language skills, so that in time will be more points for job seekers. Without the ability to speak Japanese, working in the country is almost impossible to do. But you need not worry because the necessary language skills are not up to the level of fluent, but enough to perkacapan standard daily. Parties that recruit you also not a fool, so before departure, candidates will be given the opportunity to learn the language and other skills as well for a few months or maybe even for a year, so it is enough to master the Japanese language for conversation and communication in everyday situations and also master some basic kanji.

    Here Tips on Finding Jobs to Japan:

    A. Through Hello Work (ハ ロ ー ワ ー ク), agency of the Japanese government helps citizens and foreign nationals (gaikokujin) remain domiciled in Japan. Simply come just at Hello Work offices gaikokujin section corner in every city, and a list of job counseling. Staff will be introduced to companies who need workers, and staff hello work will make an appointment for an interview at a company that takes the work force. Hello Work the intermediate term. Because the government-owned, not charge a penny. When the interview was rejected, how many times come to Hello Work to look for work again was no problem.

    B. Finding itself through the magazine "Town Work", baitoru dot com and so on, which are provided free of charge at the convenience store, (of course if you can not read kanji would be very difficult). For those who can read and Japanese fluently, just call any existing vacancies and ask for an appointment for an interview.

    C. Through "Haken kaisha" (employment agency), because it belongs to the private sector, salary per hour cut what percentage of it. But do not be a problem because most of the work of highly paid kaisha Haken and placed in a large Industries. Many foreigners in Japan using Haken services kaisha to work.

    Similarly Tips on Finding Jobs in Japan. The problem is, how you can get a visa to work permit / Live in Japan?

    The first way is applying for a Japanese company in Indonesia with work placements in Japan (this method also applies to ex japan who want to go back to work to Japan through intercompany visa). Example: Toshiba, Yamaha, Honda, PT. Sanyo Medical Indonesia, PT. Toyota Tsusho Mechanical & Enginnering Service Indonesia, PT. Keihin Indonesia etc.

    The second way so kenshusei / jishusei (maximum 3 years) internships (does not apply to ex Japan). Vacancy for this section are available and relatively large amounts. The good news again is not demanding higher education. This type of work is needed most of is for factory workers, machine operators, construction, agriculture and livestock. Bureaucracy distribution is through the Institute Sending / Sending Organization (SO) Under the Shade JITCO (Japan International Training Cooperation Organization), to SO IM Line Japan selection process in collaboration with the Office of Labour, while for non-IM Japan pathways latest job information you can read through the website Dagangku.com menu "Internship Japan"

    The third way in Japanese schools, while looking for a second job. After graduation, looking for a job in the company as a permanent or contract employees (Applies also to the ex kenshusei who want to go back to work to Japan). So visa taken care of the same company. to find a job this field please read the article >> "Information Part-time working in Japan"

    The last way is married to Japanese nationals (Applicable also for ex-japan who want to work back in Japan). for this part of the explanation please read through the article >> "married same procedure Japanese people"

    Thus Articles Tips on Finding Jobs to Japan for the next phase information
    The explanation please read the article >> "Procedure Entry and Living in Japan"

    Similarly, information about Tips on Finding Jobs in Japan Hopefully useful

    Japanese job internship program


    Job internship program in Japan Latest for men and women through collaboration with the Department of Labour Line IM JAPAN and PRIVATE (NON IMM) For high school majoring in Engineering and Japanese Literature
    Japanese job internship program
    Japanese job internship program

    Poverty Alleviation through Internship Jobs in Japan

    If we look at the structure of the population pyramid in Indonesia, then we must be grateful, that Indonesia is to meet as a productive state characterized by the number of very young age dominated, unfortunately Indonesia as the largest country in the world order of # 4 (after China, India, USA) in terms of population, yet too many poverty alleviation programs. Poverty alleviation programs instead tend to be short-term imaging facilities with a model model "Direct Cash Assistance" or BLSM.

    Unconsciousness, with the potential of the young population of Indonesian, if mobilized would be a prosperous state.

    Yet the fact remains that poverty reduction means there are 2 ways (love comments if there are other ways, yach ..)

    # By means of entrepreneurship / entrepreneurship, how many of the new rich who mentas through entrepreneurship and origin are children of the poor? Much?

    # By means of a quality EDUCATION, please mention any rich person who originally children of the poor and successfully mentas by means of education? Which later became official, Director, Executive, Lecturer, even successful entrepreneur.

    Many! General education with the support of the education costs adoptive parents, scholarships, charity organizations, etc.

    What is the next step after high school children, Academy graduate, graduate S1 pass? They have to be productive labor!

    Is available job vacancies in Indonesia? Wait wait, who's to say they have to work in Indonesia? They are free to choose to work anywhere can.

    They can be worked into a prosperous country that his young age is already scarce. Countries such dire need of productive labor. Jobs are always open to job applicants from any country. Why do we lose the Philippines? Philippines largest GDP contribution is the origin of Labor who work abroad.

    Okay, but how to prepare children graduated from vocational school / academy / S1? According to my experience, the most effective way is with an internship in industries as field job seekers. International standards in order to graduate intern, then his apprentice can utilize Jobs Internship abroad.

    Let's discuss the options selection yah ...

    This article will discuss the opportunities Jobs Internship in Japan.

    Internships Japan? Some people may consider internships Japan, Korea and jobs to work as migrant workers abroad are less prestigious job.
    Maybe you also think so?

    Internships Japan is not the same as working for Hong Kong / Malaysia / Taiwan etc. At least the salary issue also safety.

    Safety of the most preferred by the Japanese company, can be seen from the standard Japanese companies in Indonesia.

    Apprentice to Japan as a trainee for 3 years working in the field of manufacture / factory, mostly in the automobile, electronics etc. Participants who join the program can obtain an allowance / salary up to 250 thousand yen (USD 25 million). Try to compare with the salary working in Malaysia / Taiwan / Hong Kong, could be 3 times larger Japanese internship program.

    When participants have completed an internship for 3 years, they average took home USD 300 million to 400 million, even more than that. Try to work in Indonesia, for example, your salary of 1.5 million / month, it took how many years you can get that much money?

    In addition to getting an allowance, apprentice to Japan you can enjoy the beauty / travel to Japan at a low cost, because it is usually a Saturday / Sunday companies in Japan holiday, so the trainees can play to various cities in Japan by utilizing sophisticated means of transportation such as Shinkansen (speed train), chikatetsu (subway).
    After 3 months since returning from Japan, participants still receive nenkin (a kind of insurance) of Japan. Average ranged between 20 million s.d 50 million. Not only that, there are many Japanese companies in Indonesia offering a job interview with a former kenshusei (trainees from Japan) is.

    Do kenshusei (intern Japanese)? Who kenshusei? What is their purpose? What is their mission? What are their expectations? ..
    That Kenshusei, dekiru dake benkyo shite, shite giddy, gambarimasu.

    Kenshusei is ... trainer, Japanese apprentices, trainees internship in Japan. Dekiru dake is ... just be, just may do. Benkyo

    shite is ... learn, to do something about learning. Giddy shite is ... wait, hold up, do something with Iklhas not to restrain angry (Japanese: tsurai ??). Gambarimasu is ... trying, doing everything in earnest.

    Trainees came to Japan aimed to learn the technology, skills, knowledge work, industry and learn about Japanese life. After returning to the homeland is expected to donate all of the technology, skills, knowledge gained to develop Indonesia, in general, the surrounding environment, family, minimal certainly for himself.

    Definitely ... because forced to live in Japan, indirectly would have done the learning process, the Japanese themselves say "Taihen". Because maybe that's life, needs to be forged let

    strong. Like a dagger ... that supposedly the masters made of iron dagger originally weighed 40-50 kg forged, heated, so it could be a dagger forged the "magic". As well as ceramics ... that was once just a dirty clay, ugly after stirring, slammed, burned, if the clay can talk might be screaming in pain, but it ended up being a nice and useful ceramics. As well as pearls ... that he made from a grain of sand into the shells, the shells sick sap, for many years until finally the sand into a pearl of great and expensive.

    It is said that there is a baby clams asked her mother, "Mom, why do throughout our lives must be sick like this?" She replied, "God does not give us a hand to be able to pull out the sand from our bodies."

    Then, how to be able to participate in the selection apprentice to Japan?

    Internship Selection Japan in Indonesia there are two programs, namely

    a. Internship Selection IM Japan Japan (formerly IMM) >> Selection Schedule & Procedures

    b. Japan Internship Selection Private / Non-IMM >> Selection Schedule & Procedures

    Delivery program interns from Indonesia to Japan facilitated IMM, has started since 1993. From 1993 until the end of 2009 have sent 29.587 people, mostly placed in a manufacturing company.

    Japan Internship Program is a government program DISNAKERTRANS Indonesia in cooperation with IMM JAPAN (IM JAPAN) AND FOUNDATION / PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS (for non IMM JAPAN) to provide an opportunity for Indonesian youth to learn to work in Japan which is useful for improving human resources INDONESIA which will be build or create their own jobs in INDONESIA.

    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Indonesian Directorate General of Binalattas Kemennakertrans by The Association for International Manpower Development of Medium and Small Enterprises Japan (IMM) dated 16 September 1994 updated with the amendment on February 1, 2010.

    Benefits Internship in Japan are as follows:

    SALARY - apprentices minimum salary ranges in 90 thousand yen, or about 10 million yen currency at the exchange rate at the moment. This is a basic salary plus apprentices yet overtime wages. The experience of apprentices in Japan, every month on average they receive a salary of 150 thousand yen or approximately Rp. 15 million dollars. For 3 years with a normal lifestyle can save rp. 500 million. This figure could be many-fold multiple of 2 to 3 times if during their apprenticeship and saving a lot of overtime work for in Japan. Figures are fantastic for a young man who had no money at all

    INTERNATIONAL STANDARD WORK EXPERIENCE - A lot can be obtained from lifestyle while in Japan. Discipline, timely habit, hard work ethic, mindset problem solver, innovation and creativity to new ideas are brilliant, customs and culture of Japan which of course is the science and experience are invaluable for making international quality apprentices. Enjoying the winter snow dikala, enjoy onogiri under cherry blossoms glowing dikala hanami, superfast train ride shinkansen, up Mount Fuji and others are so beautiful experience to be shared with friends and family.

    BUSINESS CAPITAL ALLOWANCE - After completion of apprenticeship programs in Japan for 3 years with the good, the participants will get a "severance". So that effective participants will get savings + severance. The amount is 600,000 yen.

    NEXT LEVEL OPPORTUNITY - Generally the time of departure, apprentices work in Japan at the age of 20-26 years age range. By undergoing apprenticeship programs for 3 years then when they finish the program and go home at the age of 23-29 years. A very young age to realize big dreams. They can set up a business in Indonesia with capital money and capital expertise of internship in Japan. They also could continue his studies, it is up to college where? Can in Indonesia, could in Japan, or in China. Can what else? For those who want to work, they can invest their money into a property that is productive, then they worked in the international job market

    Successful applicants facilities:

    Obtain accommodation and transport facilities

    Got a pocket money allowance / salary (already in the above mentioned)

    Insurance protection except toothache, pain suffered congenital before arriving in Japan
    With the new labor law, apprentices from Indonesia have the same rights as native Japanese workers. Equality of rights that include salary, guaranteed protection and status as workers. So with the new Labor Law will be, then Internship participants from Indonesia to Japan to get the guaranteed protection from the first to the third year EQUIVALENT the labor rights of Japanese citizens.

    Apprenticeship is part of job training system that integrates between training at a training institute with working directly under the guidance and supervision of an instructor or more experienced workers, in the process of production of goods and / or services in the company in order to master a particular skill or expertise.

    Dagangku.com In collaboration with the Institute of Japanese internship program Operator Provides information Apprenticeship Jobs in Japan Jump On Demand from AO: Accepting Organization (recipient company in Japan) / SO Sending Organization (Sender Indonesian Institute) So the process is faster and definitely.

    Job Opening the internship opportunities to Japan Latest:

    Internship Job Priority:

    - Job Internship in Garment Industry (Special Women age 19 years to 32 years, min graduate General or vocational secondary schools have sewing skills experience min 2 years, DIRECT SELECTION OF JAPANESE COMPANIES. PROCESS WILL

    - Job Internship in Industrial Plywood (Furniture) As a cutting machine operator (Special Women Age 19 th to 30 th, min graduate General or vocational secondary schools , DIRECT SELECTION OF JAPANESE COMPANIES. PROCESS WILL

    - Job Internship in Animal Industry (Special Female Age 19 years up to 27 years, min graduate General or vocational secondary schools In Polar D3 / S1), DIRECT SELECTION OF JAPANESE COMPANY. PROCESS SURE,

    - Job Internship in Industrial Construction and Welding / Welder (Special Male Age 19 years up to 27 years, min graduate General or vocational secondary schools In Polar D3 / S1), DIRECT SELECTION OF JAPANESE COMPANY. PROCESS SURE

    General Internships Job:
    - Job Internship Participants Men: Fishing Industry, Automotive, Plywood, Painting / Painting, lathes, CNC, Welding / welding, agriculture, construction (Age 19 years up to 27 years, Min Education General or vocational secondary schools). Salary Principal Above Standard IM Japan.

    - Job Internship Participants Women: Agribusiness Industry, Fisheries, Plastic Industry, agriculture, Garment, Food Processing, Printing (Female Age 19 years up to 27 years, Min Education General or vocational secondary schools). Salary Principal Above Standard IM Japan.

    General Requirements

    To follow / be students (apprentices Japan) The requirements are as follows:

    1) Minimum graduate school education or vocational puffed on, Preferred D3, or scholar

    2) Age 18-27 years (Male / Female)

    3) Physical and Spiritual Health

    4) High-min 155cm (Women) 160cm (Male), ideal weight.

    5) Not bespectacled, tattoo.

    6) the body upright, never had a history of spinal surgery / fractures.

    7) There is a history of the disease such as tuberculosis, cancer, asthma, heart, hepatitis, diabetes etc.

    8) Physical no: Disability, Broken Bones, Deaf, Hernia, Skin Diseases, Semper Feet, Legs O, Foot X, organ dysfunction, color blindness, astigmatism, scar (ex accidents, burns, appendicitis, because of illness) , Aesthetics (physical appearance)

    9) Willing training Japanese language and culture to their departure date in Sending Organization (SO) in question.



    a. Selection Document

    student intern send a cover letter, after passing the test will be invited to interview, selection document, psykotest, Medical Check up, FMD and basic Mathematics Test, then set out to follow the Japanese apprentice education.

    b. Education and Training Internship Program Japan, the material include:

    1. Japanese standard N3

    2. FMD (running, push-ups, shit up)

    3. Discipline Training, Living and Mental

    4. Mathematics (Mathematics Material Selection IM Japan)

    5. Sheikatsu Benkyo (Culture, Life in Japan, financial management, etc.)

    6. Engineering Interview with Japanese User

    7. Pre Medical Check Up


    Selection private Japanese internship program consists of two systems:

    a. Selection by User Japan

    In this selection process, prospective trainees met with the user directly from Japan. Usually, prospective trainees must have certain skills such autocad, welding, CNC etc. The selection process takes 3-4 months (since passed the selection) was able to leave for Japan

    b. Selection Document

    In this selection process, prospective trainees do not need to do a live interview with the Japanese side, only the sender to send the document to Japan. The selected document will be processed by the recipient company in Japan and prospective trainees usually do not need to have a certain skill selection process can take between 3 to 6 months (since the delivery of documents)


    Medical Selections include: blood tests, x-rays, urine, feces, liver, heart, physical, dental, etc.


    students after passing this stage, direct participants education in preparation for departure and signature Japanese company contracts (students must prepare a passport)

    4. Go TO JAPAN

    Completing apprenticeship contract for 3 years


    A. Salary received by holders of very high equivalent ± 90,000 USD. 9,000,000 is clean with no deductions, not including overtime with a 3-yr contract work then about - about 300-500 million could be collected to bring back to their homeland as venture capital. This figure could be many-fold multiple of 2 to 3 times if during their apprenticeship and saving a lot of overtime work for in Japan. Figures are fantastic for a young man who had no money at all.

    B. Insurance protects interns from all the things that can happen to everyone wherever and whenever, insurance covering health insurance, accident, retirement and death

    C. Contract work undertaken in Japan long enough that 3 yrs / 36 months, so quite a lot of time to be able to increase the knowledge of the language, work ethic, business management, tourism / recreation the place - famous places in Japan etc.

    D. Facility received during in Japan, among others:
    • Bicycle as a means of transportation to the company or a supermarket or a friend's apartment - close friends.
    • Fully furnished apartment with living standards in Japan, bedroom, toilet, washing machine, refrigerator, gas stove, cookware, air conditioning
    • Electricity, Water, Gas obtained free of charge, free of charge up to a certain usage.

    E. Tickets Japan - Indonesia time home after completion of 3 yrs without having to pay can be admitted free of charge.

    F. For those who could leave via IM Japan / Ministry will be able to severance pay and working capital of ¥ 1 million = Rp 100,000,000 (one hundred million dollars), and for the private gain through severance approximately 60,000,000 (sixty million dollars).

    G. For those who want to work in a Japanese company in Indonesia, then get more priority. Quite interview only with the leadership of the company concerned without having to send a job application, call queuing and so on.

    Registration »

    This program is not the path TKI (working abroad) but apprenticeship (learning by doing / working while studying) visa is a visa internship in use, can be used to study in Japan, the Japanese interns from Indonesia to get the guaranteed protection or synchronized with labor Japanese citizens. got the same rights as Japanese workers, similarity rights include salary, guaranteed protection and status as labor, except insurance protection Got a toothache, sore congenital suffered before arriving in Japan. with adanyaUU Labor Between pemerentah RI with pemerentah Japan, the Internship participants from Indonesia to Japan to get the guaranteed protection from the first to the third year EQUIVALENT the labor rights of Japanese citizens.

    For those of you who meet the qualifications, registration can be done online  »

    FREE selection costs, Having passed the selection of participants required to prepare all the needs of the participants include: the cost of living in the training phase 1, Transport of the area to the center, airport tax


    1. Special Japanese Language Training Level N3 JLPT (Japanese Language Materials Selection IMM Japan)

    2. FMD (running, push-ups, shit up)

    3. Mathematics (Mathematics Material Selection IMM Japan)

    4. Interview Techniques
    Blood Test Examination, Eye Test, Test Rontgen
    Test: a designated health clinics


    Examination of blood tests, urine tests, heart tests, stool tests.
    Place test: Health Clinic designated

    REGIONAL TRAINING COSTS (Prior to the training area, participants must make a passport.)


    Allowance, Visa Fee, Egibility, document etc.

    Make sure the foundation or job-training institute has official permission , To know the sender institutions ( Foundation or job-training institute or government institutions ) which organizes an internship program to Japan , please contact:
    Kemennakertrans R.I.
    Cq. Direktorat Bina Pemagangan
    Direktorat Jenderal Binalattas
    Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 51
    Lantai VI A Jakarta Selatan
    Telepon/Fax.: 021 5292 1057 - 5296 1311 - 5296 0456 / 021 5292 1057 - 5296 0456
    Website: www.binalattas.depnakertrans.go.id

    Make the best use of this opportunity as well as possible because this Japanese internship program is only valid one time lifetime , compare the result to be labor in other countries , Based on the survey results , the composition of the foreign workforce salaries are the largest in the range Rp1,5-2 million , and

    Rp1-1,5 million . Assuming Rp10,000 per US dollar exchange rate , the majority of Indonesian Labor ( TKI ) paid between US $ 100-200 per month . and also compare the results when you want to work in Indonesia are demanding D3 / Bachelor assuming employee salaries 3 jt / month ( with a fee for D3 / S1 for approximately 3-5 yrs 30-50 jt ) takes you about 15 years to get the same results or smaller by following the internship program in Japan for 3 yrs , which only require 1/2 of the cost of undergraduate tuition D3 / S1 , that too can be a direct return on investment simply by 1-2 months of salary .


    Participants who have successfully completed an apprenticeship program for 3 ( three ) years should go back to Indonesia and will receive :
    -Certificatet Skills of JITCO .
    -Certificate Skills of IMM Japan .
    - Severance pay of ¥ 1000.000 ( for independent businesses ) .kurs current 120 yen = Rp.120 jt
    -Participant Will follow an interview with a Japanese company in Indonesia to be placed on the company. These companies include:


    -PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor MFG

    Jl. Dr. KRT Radjiman Widyodiningrat (Jl. Bekasi KM 23) Pulogadung

    -PT. Toyo Besq Precision Part Indonesia

    Jl. Permata Raya Lot 8 & 13 Kawasan Industri KIIC Karawang

    -PT. Idemitsu Lube Techno Indonesia

    Graha KIIC Lt. 2 Jl. Pramata Raya Lot C-1B Karawang

    -PT. Sanyo Medical Indonesia

    Jl. Rembang Industri III No. 30 Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang

    -PT. Toyota Tsusho Mechanical & Enginnering Service Indonesia

    Kawasan Industri MM2100 Plot KK-7 Cikarang Barat

    -PT. Keihin Indonesia

    Kawasan Industri MM-2100 Blok JJ-I Cikarang Barat.

    -PT. Ex-Batam Indonesia

    Blok 216 Jl. Beringin Batamindo Industrial Park - Muka Kuning - Pulau Batam

    -PT. Metec Semarang

    Tanjung Emas Export Processing Zone Jl. Coaster No. 8 Blok 12A-16, Semarang

    -PT. Central Motor Wheel Indonesia

    Jl. Rembang Industri II, No. 2 Kawasan Rembang Industri, Pasuruan

    -PT. Mitsuba Indonesia Pipe Parts

    Kawasan Industri MM-2100 Plot NN-12 , Cikarang Barat

    -PT. Gistex Nisshinbo Indonesia

    Jl. Nanjung No. 66 Cimahi Selatan, Bandung

    -PT. Aichi Forging Indonesia

    Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Blok A-1 KM. 1,6 Kelapa Gading - Jakarta

    -PT. Mandom Ind.

    Kawasan Industri MM-2100, Jl. Jawa Blok J-9 Cibitung.

    -PT. Ihara Manufacturing Ind.

    Kawasan Industri EJIP Plot 7K-2, Cikarang Selatan.

    -PT. Yasunaga Indonesia

    Kawasan Industri Modern Cikande Kav. 24, Banten

    -PT. Yamaha Motor Manufacturing

    Kawasan Industri KIIC Lot F2 & F6

    etc and any more again...



    2. INTERNATIONAL Sertificate







    1. Prepare the original and a copy of the administrative equipment and legalized .
    2. Stay away from drugs and the like .
    3. Preparing for the condition of the body and physical endurance .
    - Foods that are nutritious, healthy , and clean .
    - Regular exercise while trying to test physical endurance .
    - Keep away from all sorts of health ailments.
    4. Sign up directly to a registration that has been set , it is not represented , and without going through intermediaries .
    Description Learn about this information please access the Website Dagangku.com

    Rights and Obligations During In Japan
    RIGHTS :
    3. SALARY ± ¥ 90,000 ( IMM Japan ) ± 120,000 ( Private / Non IMM )
    NENKIN , SEVERANCE ± ¥ 600,000 - ¥ 1,000,000 ±

    2. DO NOT RUN OUT OF PROGRAM / escape from COMPANY

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