This article discusses the work ethic and attitude in the office of a Japanese company, let us consider the following:
For those who want to work in a Japanese company, both companies are located in Indonesia or in Japan, it is good to pay attention to the workings of a typical ethics. Work ethic and attitude in the Japanese corporate offices, among others:
For those who want to work in a Japanese company, both companies are located in Indonesia or in Japan, it is good to pay attention to the workings of a typical ethics. Work ethic and attitude in the Japanese corporate offices, among others:
Working hours most companies in Japan are from 9 am to 5 pm. But recently the system "flexible time" more and more used. It is a system where employees have the freedom to some extent to set their own working time. Flexible time system is becoming popular as employees so can avoid the hours roundtrip most busy and can work in accordance with the pattern of their lives. On the other hand, it is true that a lot of people who feel uncomfortable to leave work earlier than peers or bosses, even though their work day is over. Therefore, do not forget to show the attitude of tolerance towards them. Even if you have to go home first, it is better to say 「お先に失礼します」 O-saki ni shitsureishimasu which means "excuse me".
Difficult to use the phrase fitting tribute by telephone. The important thing is to clarify between you and the person on the other end or "inside and outside". When talking about the people in the office, use regular expressions like when you refer to yourself. For example, there is a phone for Suzuki, president of the company. In a corporate environment, you used to call Suzuki shachô, which means the President of Suzuki. But to an outsider, do not use an expression of respect or official position of the person in your company. So in this case you say: 「鈴木 は 外出 し て い ま す」 Suzuki wa gaishutsu shite imasu which means "Suzuki is not in place at this time".
Incidentally one of the most common names in Japan are Sato, Suzuki and Takahashi. However there are many more family names and some of them sound similar. Therefore, if you can not catch the name of someone in the first time, do not hesitate to ask politely that the caller back loop. In this case you should say: 「も う 一度 お 名 前 を お 願 い し ま す」 Mô ichido, o-Namae o onegaishimasu, which means "Please be repeated his name?".
Incidentally one of the most common names in Japan are Sato, Suzuki and Takahashi. However there are many more family names and some of them sound similar. Therefore, if you can not catch the name of someone in the first time, do not hesitate to ask politely that the caller back loop. In this case you should say: 「も う 一度 お 名 前 を お 願 い し ま す」 Mô ichido, o-Namae o onegaishimasu, which means "Please be repeated his name?".
Companies in Japan are often held a party for its employees. The most common include the party for new employees, a farewell party when there is turnover, and a year-end party as a form of gratitude for the work and support over the last year. Among co-workers also is common to have dinner together after work, while drinking alcohol or tea. If you do not drink alcohol, it does not hurt to refuse, but you should use polite words. Appropriate way to resist is to include reasons and say 「す み ま せ ん, お 酒 を 飲 め な い ん で す」 Sumimasen, o-sake wa nomenain desu, which means "I'm sorry, but I can not drink alcohol". These parties are a good opportunity to get to know everyone, and even find other unexpected side of your co-workers. So come if you are invited.
Basic elements of communication in a company known as HORENSO. HORENSO word formed by the first syllable of the three words, namely:
報告 Hokoku which means "reports", 連絡 renraku which means "contact" and 相 談 sodan which means "consultation". Actually, the term is also a form HORENSO satire because it sounds the same meaning denganhôrensô spinach, a type of vegetable. If you are lazy in doing HORENSO in a business context, then you might make the wrong decision or experienced business problems. So be sure to terusmelakukannya.
Hokoku - "report" - means the report on the progress of your work regularly to superiors and colleagues can immediately respond if there are problems.
Renraku - "contact" - means to contact the supervisor and co-workers related work plans and schedules for you. You should also always tell them if you want to go straight home after making an appointment outside or if you do not come to work.
Sodan - "consultation" - meaning for guidance and advice needed. If you are still inexperienced, do not be ashamed to ask anything. There is an old adage that says "Ask, will only make temporary embarrassment. But do not ask, would shame forever ". So do not hesitate to always ask.
報告 Hokoku which means "reports", 連絡 renraku which means "contact" and 相 談 sodan which means "consultation". Actually, the term is also a form HORENSO satire because it sounds the same meaning denganhôrensô spinach, a type of vegetable. If you are lazy in doing HORENSO in a business context, then you might make the wrong decision or experienced business problems. So be sure to terusmelakukannya.
Hokoku - "report" - means the report on the progress of your work regularly to superiors and colleagues can immediately respond if there are problems.
Renraku - "contact" - means to contact the supervisor and co-workers related work plans and schedules for you. You should also always tell them if you want to go straight home after making an appointment outside or if you do not come to work.
Sodan - "consultation" - meaning for guidance and advice needed. If you are still inexperienced, do not be ashamed to ask anything. There is an old adage that says "Ask, will only make temporary embarrassment. But do not ask, would shame forever ". So do not hesitate to always ask.
The spirit of our work will be increased if it gets praise. There are many words to praise someone. For example, 「さ す が」 sasuga means "Just like my expectations"; 「い い で す ね」 ii desu ne means "very good"; 「す ば ら し い」 subarashii means "Great!" And 「お 見 事」 o-migoto means "Incredible!". But be careful because compliments like these may not only have a positive impact, but can also lead to a worsening of relations. If you repeat the praise indiscriminately, they can be sounded like sarcasm rather than praise, or even hinted that you blame or belittle others. Please remember also the following two basic rules: When you praise someone, do it in front of others and when reprimanding, do when no one is around you.
6. WHAT IF trimmed?
Companies that employ foreign nationals have a training program to teach them manners and also business-related use of language. Still, the "ambiguity" that characterizes the Japanese language often led to unexpected problems. For example: One day a boss says, 「き れ い に し た ら?」 "Kirei ni Shitara?" To a subordinate whose desk cluttered. But the next day it was still neat table. The boss actually asked his men were to immediately clean up the table in order to look presentable when customers visiting their office. But this desire did not understand the subordinates. The literal meaning of 「き れ い に し た ら?」 "Kirei ni Shitara?" Is "I think it would be better if you trimmed table". But the men consider these words of his boss only as a suggestion, and he did not do anything. Boss was supposed to send his men to clear the table with clearly says, "Do not store anything on the table other than your computer!" The secret to work in Japan is to understand the true meaning behind the command is not clear.
In Japan, the idea that "harmony is the best thing" is still adhered to in the business world. Typical expression associated with that spirit is o-kage same de, which means "thank ... / thanks ...". The phrase was used in examples such as: "Thanks to you, we can get the contract". While it may in fact you are doing most of the work, but using the same expression o-kage de to express appreciation for the guidance and support of all people, you show a high appreciation for their cooperation.
On the other hand, if you start by saying Zannen nagara ... which means "Unfortunately ..." then it suggests that you are going to report a bad news. Tori Ossharu desu ga ... means "Just as you say, but ...". This expression is used when you give a different view and feels like "I understand fully what you want to say, but ...". If you can use those phrases with ease, you are including a Japanese worker!
On the other hand, if you start by saying Zannen nagara ... which means "Unfortunately ..." then it suggests that you are going to report a bad news. Tori Ossharu desu ga ... means "Just as you say, but ...". This expression is used when you give a different view and feels like "I understand fully what you want to say, but ...". If you can use those phrases with ease, you are including a Japanese worker!
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