A Guide to Japan Scholarships

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 Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarships

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT)
of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at
state expense since 1954. Applications should be made through Japanese embassies or
consulate-generals abroad or Japanese universities.

Japanese universities

Undergraduate Students

Ⅱ Scholarships by JASSO

"Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students" has been provided
by JASSO. Applications should be made through Japanese universities.
Honors Scholarship by JASSO

JASSO offers Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in
Japan) for those accepted by Japanese universities under student exchange agreements
with their home universities.

Undergraduate student at a university abroad

Ⅲ Scholarships by local governments and local international associations

Local governments in Japan provide scholarships to people living in their district or to
students who attend schools in their district.

Local governments in Japan provide scholarships

Ⅳ Scholarships by private foundations

Private foundation scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations.
Reflecting the objective and character of the company or organization, scholarships are
likely to be granted to students attending schools in a given district, or limited to special
subjects related to the company, or to be provided to students from a certain country or
region with which the enterprise has exchanges.

Private foundation scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations

Ⅴ Scholarships available abroad

Although most of the scholarships are available after coming to Japan, several local
governments, international associations and private foundations accept applications from
scholarships are available after coming to Japan

For those of you who want to work in Japan, you can follow the selection of non imm apprenticeship through directly by the recipient company in japan / organization Accepting registration can be done online »

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